Pay for your membership & class packs with your tax-free HSA/FSA money

Truemed allows you to reimburse your class packages and memberships from your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Paying yourself back with pre-tax dollars can save you up to 40%.

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How it works
Complete Health Assessment

Take a short survey for eligibility, reviewed by a licensed provider.

Make your purchase

Do not pay with HSA/FSA during checkout.

Select payment method
Submit for HSA/FSA reimbursement

If you qualify, you'll receive an LMN and a guide on how to submit your purchase to your HSA/FSA administrator for reimbursement. Claims are typically paid out in 1-2 weeks.

Submit for reimbursement
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About CorePower
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About Us

CorePower Yoga shares the transformative power of yoga with every mind, every body, everywhere through its physically intense workouts rooted in the mindfulness of yoga. CorePower Yoga is the nation’s largest yoga studio brand with more than 220 locations across the country, digital livestream and on-demand classes, and thousands of passionate, accredited yoga teachers providing the opportunity for people to breathe, move and sweat together – and discover the magic that happens when physical meets mindful.



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